Post-Pandemic World:
The COVID-19 pandemic saw the upheaval of many global certainties we got used to in our daily lives. Naturally, these rapid and drastic changes created an immense amount of uncertainty. All of these factors can, understandably, affect our stress levels. Everybody responds differently to change and in a world that is changing as fast as ours, it’s important to be a little introspective and become in tune with your stress responses!
Coping With Stress:
Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient. Stress can have negative physical and emotional effects on the body. It can reduce the quality of sleep, worsen chronic health conditions and also cause headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes. Further, it can cause feelings of fear and anxiety, worsen mental health issues, and changes appetite, energy, desires, and interests.
Here are a few ways to reduce your stress levels:
take a break from reading and watching news stories (including social media). Staying informed is important but overstimulation and constant press coverage on the pandemic may worsen your heightened stress levels.
take care of your body! Making sure you are fueling your body well with sleep, nourishing foods and good old H2O is extremely important for keeping your cortisol levels in check! Meditating and exercise are also important and useful tools for keeping your body fit and healthy.
Don’t be afraid to talk it out. The pandemic hit everyone hard and chances are that people in your life will be able to relate and empathise with your struggle. Staying connected during a time that has created so much isolation is of paramount importance!
Small Ways to Care For Yourself on The Daily:
There are a number of small acts of TLC that you can engage in on a daily basis in order to help keep those pesky stressors at bay. Taking time for yourself and doing something you enjoy for a few moments a day is an amazing way to unwind. Whether that is by spending some time outdoors, doing yoga or reading a good book, all that matters is that you feel relaxed! Treat your body well by making sure that you are fueling it with the appropriate amount of nutrients. If you look after your body, it will look after you. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle has become harder since the pandemic because we became so physically restrained. However, finding the time to keep your body moving and engage in some physical exercise does wonders for your mental and phsycial health.
Learning to manage stress is a key building block for success. Make sure to look after yourself and help others during these uncertain times!